All graduate students must follow the instructions below to complete the thesis submission procedures within one month at most* after their thesis defense.

See: Thesis Manual

Reference Management Tool:

  1. Prepare your thesis according to the rules specified in the Thesis Manual. Use 1.5 or 2 line spacing throughout your thesis and print it double-sided starting from the Plagiarism page.

  2. For METU Library access criteria, Thesis Permission Form must be filled in and added to the Appendices of the thesis as the last piece.

  3. The signature page of the thesis must be format-checked before collecting the professors’ signatures. For the format check, please visit the Thesis Office (Room No. 441 or 444) at the Graduate School of Social Sciences. The full text of your thesis does not have to be ready for the format check of the signature page; you could get it checked separately.

  4. Following your thesis defense, print out the full version of your thesis after making the necessary revisions required by the jury and after fully completing the Turkish Summary. Then, bring the print-out copy for format check to the Thesis Office (Room No. 441 or 444) at the Graduate School of Social Sciences. Format check may take around 30 minutes. The students who would like to bring their theses for the format check are required to book an appointment through Booking an appointment is not necessary for the remaining thesis procedures. 

  5. Following the format check, collect all the signatures (in blue or black ink) except that of the Director of the Graduate School and get your thesis bound. All the copies are to be submitted to the Thesis Office for the last signature; that of the Director. This process might take approximately one week. For queries about the status of your thesis, you may call the Thesis Office at +90 312 210 3701 or 7353.

  6. You may leave 6 copies of your thesis at most. One of these copies is to be submitted to METU Library. No copies are submitted to the Graduate School of Social Sciences. For information about the procedure of Thesis Submission to the Library, please click here

  7. While submitting your thesis copies to the Thesis Office, you are expected also to submit the first page of the “Turnitin Similarity Index” report. This page must be signed by the Thesis Advisor with his/her title, name and surname on it. Similarity index may be at most 20%.

  8. While your thesis copies are at the Thesis Office waiting to be signed, you are expected to prepare the following documents: 

    • YOK Thesis Data Input and Publication Permit Form: (YÖK Tez Veri Girişi ve Yayımlama İzin Formu )

    First register at and then fill in the Thesis Data Input Online Form. Then click on the Thesis Publication Permit Form; check all your data there; and be sure to register in the system. You do not have to bring the hard copy of the document. 

    • E-Mail:

    Save the full PDF version of your thesis. The name of this PDF document must only be the reference number provided to you by YOK in the Thesis Data Input and Publication Permission Form. Send this document by e-mail to Please write Referans No - MS/MA/PhD - Name Surname in the subject part of the e-mail.

    •  METU Library E-Thesis Submission Form:

    Go to on a computer that is connected to the internet through the campus network and then fill in the E-Thesis Submission Form.

  9. Following the completion of the signature procedure, receive a signed copy of your thesis from the Graduate School and submit it to the Library. After your submission, library personnel will provide you with the E-Thesis Submission Form.( Before submitting your thesis to the Library, you need to have filled in the E-Thesis Submission Form specified in article 8/c.)

  10. After completing all these steps, you need to bring METU Library E-Thesis Submission Form specified in article 8c to the Thesis Office. Your graduation procedures may only be initiated once you have completed all of the steps in article 8. 

  11. According to the decision of the Executive Board of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) taken on 13.05.2020, all graduate students of thesis programs and all academics must have an "Open Researcher and Contributor ID - ORCID" number and should register all of their publications. Please open an account in the address and register your all publications.

Things to do in this 1-month period:

  • Bring your thesis to the Graduate School for format check.

  • Do the required revisions and get the thesis bound.

  • Collect all the signatures except that of the Director.

  • Submit the Turnitin Similarity Index report to the Graduate School.

  • Collect the signature of the Director.

  • Register in the YOK System

  • Send thesis PDF by e-mail and submit the Library Form to the Graduate School.

Last Updated:
17/06/2020 - 14:08