- English
- Türkçe
METU GSSS Graduate Awards
The aim of the Thesis Award is to ensure that thesis topics contribute to the development of our country, to the world of culture and thought, and to increase our country's research power as METU.
Within the scope of this award, Master's and doctoral theses that are completed between the dates given below are taken into consideration.;
For publication award category 6 September 2022 - 6 September 2024 (Within the last two academic semesters)
For other categories, 12 September 2023 - 6 September 2024 (Within the last academic semester)
Applications are made to related Institute by thesis author (student) or thesis advisor. Please review METU Thesis Awards Code of Practice for detailed information.
Required documents:
• Thesis award application form:
• Electronic copy of the thesis (in PDF format)
• Scanned version of the approval page of the thesis (signatures completed)
• Letter written and signed by the students (rationale for application - Turkish or English)
• Letter written and signed by the supervisor (rationale for application - Turkish or English)
• Publications/conference papers/patents (if any)
The application form should be filled out online, and all the other documents should be sent to e-mail address. Applications will be received online, and no printed documents will be submitted.